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【Microsoft微軟】Surface Laptop 13.5吋筆電-白金色(Core i5-4G-128G SSD-W10S)送Office五人家用版推薦


2018-04-24 03:00

By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterTwo highway police officers and a truck driver were killed in a rear-end collision on the Tainan stretch of the Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Freeway No. 1) early yesterday morning, the Highway Police Bureau said.The accident happened at about 4:45am at the 308.1km post in the southbound lane, the bureau said.Officers Kuo Cheng-hsiung (郭振雄) and Yeh Chia-hao (葉家豪) had stopped a large truck and were issuing a ticket to the driver, surnamed Hsiao (蕭), on the shoulder of the road, the bureau said in a report.The three were standing between the police car and the truck, when another truck driven by a man, surnamed Lu (陸), hit the truck from behind, the bureau said.Kuo was knocked down a slope on the side of the freeway, while Yeh and Hsiao were crushed under the tires of Hsiao’s truck, it said.All three were dead before medical help arrived, the bureau added.Lu, who was slightly injured in the collision, told prosecutors that he was sleepy and only stepped on the brake after hearing the collision.Lu was later released on NT$100,000 bail, the bureau said.Premier William Lai (賴清德) met with the officers’ family members, and asked the National Police Agency to arrange compensation and assist them in handling the funerals.Agency Director-General Chen Chia-ching (陳家欽) said Minister of the Interior Yeh Jiunn-rong (葉俊榮) is scheduled to visit the officers’ families today.The agency has recently amended the Enforcement Rules of the Police Personnel Management Act (警察人員人事條例施行細則) to change the definition of “death in the line of duty” to include officers who are killed while handling accidents or calls that put their lives in danger, Chen said.The amendment was open for public review until yesterday, Chen said, adding that it would be applied to Kuo and Yeh’s deaths after it takes effect.The Ministry of the Interior said it was pushing to raise highway police officers’ monthly allowance by NT$5,061 on top of their current NT$8,435, but the proposal must still be approved by the Executive Yuan.Four highway police officers have been killed in the line of duty and 33 injured over the past eight years, bureau statistics show.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



台灣菸酒公司董事長吳容輝今天指出,台酒泡麵近年爆紅,花雕雞、麻油雞及花雕牛肉泡麵更成明星商品,今後規劃以海外授權代工生產模式,將泡麵拓銷至東協國家。新加坡兩年一度的新加坡國際食品展今天開幕,吳容輝赴新加坡為台酒公司產品新南向鋪路。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 吳容輝告訴中央社記者,東南亞國家人口逾6億,舉凡飲食、文化、休閒娛樂、宗教等習慣與台灣近似,尤其在地理位置鄰近台灣等有利條件下,成為重點拓展市場。他表示,為配合政府新南向政策,台酒已投入更多資源積極拓展東協國家,以直接出口方式拓展新地區及新市場,逐步建立經銷體制。吳容輝指出,台酒近年來生產泡麵爆紅,深受海外市場喜愛,甚至被泡麵達人列為2018年全球十大排行榜,如以馬來西亞為例,近兩年銷售穩定成長,去年銷量已超過4萬5千包,今年預估超過7萬包。他認為,台酒泡麵目前成功拓銷至馬來西亞市場,成為東協主要泡麵銷售國,新加坡則因對含肉塊泡麵進口作業限制,仍在辦理相關作業,盼儘速能獲有關單位批准進口。在啤酒市場部分,吳容輝表示,台灣啤酒業進入新加坡場近10年,尤其簽訂台星經濟夥伴協定(ASTEP)後,台灣啤酒與其他競爭品牌已立於公平競爭地位,其中,果微醺啤酒銷量更位居當地水果風味啤酒之首。他指出,由於越南啤酒消費量高居東協第一,越南啤酒市場也是台酒拓展重點市場,今後將規劃設立子公司、增設經銷商,利用在地生產增加銷量,藉東協會員國優惠關稅優勢,拓銷至緬甸、泰國、柬埔寨、印尼、寮國等市場,建置完整的通路,拓銷到東南亞市場。另外,吳容輝也以屢獲國際酒類競賽大獎的OMAR威士忌為例,強調首先開拓東南亞免稅通路,計劃藉免稅市場展延通路,穩健拓展東協市場。吳容輝強調,台酒將以多元化發展模式,突破不能直接進出口貿易限制,尋求代工或客製化生產、設立海外營運據點,持續開發東協市場。新加坡國際食品展從今天舉行為期4天展覽,集聚來自東協及歐美國家買家,外貿協會也由副秘書長王熙蒙領軍組團,並設立台灣館,不僅參展規模創新高,也擴大展出清真產品及首度增設珍珠奶茶產品發表區?

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